Press conference Symbolic image
Media relations
The press and public relations department of the North Rhine-Westphalian police makes an active contribution to an open flow of information. The Steinfurt district police authority also has a press office with a wide range of tasks.
Press and public relations
The aim of our communication is to make police actions transparent and understandable.
Social Media
Welcome to the social media page of the Steinfurt District Police Authority. Here you will find all the information you need about our social media channels.
Here you will find the "Police crime statistics" (PKS) and the "Police traffic accident statistics" for the Steinfurt region. You will also find the annual report of the Emergency Response/Direktion Gefahrenabwehr/Einsatz - this shows the operations of the year. Under "Security in focus" you will fi...
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110