Care services support the police's prevention work

Chief inspector hands brochure to senior citizen
Care services support the police's prevention work
Police reach people who live alone and in seclusion
Ralf Groothus

Scammers and thieves are also increasingly targeting the savings of senior citizens in the Steinfurt district. The fraudsters call as fake police officers, pretend to be relatives or show up at the door as fake tradesmen - and they always want to rob elderly people of their money and valuables.

For people who live alone and in seclusion

It is particularly important to the police to reach people who live alone and in seclusion and are dependent on support. For this reason, the police, together with the care services based in the Steinfurt district, will draw even more attention to these dangers. The employees of the care services distribute the brochure "Good advice in old age" during their home visits.

Information and advice on crime against senior citizens

The brochure is aimed specifically at older people and contains lots of information and advice on the topic of crime against senior citizens. In addition to grandchild scams and the dangers at the front door, it also provides tips on granting power of attorney. At the same time, the reader is given behavioral tips with illustrative examples.

In order to recognize the potential dangers of their elderly family members at an early stage, relatives should also familiarize themselves with the contents of the brochure.

All interested parties can also download the brochure free of charge online at this link.


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