Children visit the police station in Steinfurt

Having their fingerprints taken, marveling at equipment and sitting in a patrol car: That's what children were allowed to do at the police station in Steinfurt.
Children visit the police station in Steinfurt
Chief Inspector Markus Bender gives an insight into everyday police life.
Martina Feldhaus

It's a bit hectic, but everyone is listening intently and asking lots of questions: a group of children aged 6 to 12 have now visited our police station and the police building in Steinfurt. The kids are part of the Burgsteinfurt Gymnastics Association's vacation care program. The association offers numerous activities and excursions for ten days during the summer vacations.

First, the children can have their fingerprints made at the police station, which will be recorded in a small visitor passport. Then it's on to the control center, where all police calls from the Steinfurt district are received. The 6 to 12-year-olds sneak quietly through the room, as their work must not be disturbed.

Look into an old cell

Afterwards, Chief Superintendent Markus Bender gives the kids a tour of the police station and explains what equipment his colleagues carry with them every day. There is also a look inside an old cell. And, of course, there's a test drive in a patrol car.

An exciting morning!

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110