Crime statistics

Securing evidence is part of traditional investigative work.
Crime statistics
The Steinfurt district police authority has published the crime statistics for 2024.

The most important facts in brief:

  • The overall figures have fallen.
  • The risk caused by crime is below the level of the state of NRW (this is indicated by the so-called frequency figure).
  • There has been a slight decline in the clearance rate. However, more than half of all crimes are still solved.
  • There has been an increase in the number of domestic violence cases.
  • There has been a significant decrease in crimes against sexual self-determination.
  • There has also been a decrease in pickpocketing.

Here you will find the detailed statistics of the Crime Directorate for the year 2024.

The statistics for previous years can be viewed below:

Kriminalitätsentwicklung 2023

Crime trends 2022

Crime trends 2021

Crime trends 2020

Crime trends 2019

Crime trends 2018

Crime trends 2017









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