Help to avoid wildlife accidents

The police give drivers tips on how to behave when crossing wild animals.
Help to avoid wildlife accidents
An increasing number of wildlife accidents are currently being reported to the district police. Here you can read how to protect yourself and what to do if a collision with wild animals has occurred.
Steinfurt police

In the district of Steinfurt, the police are repeatedly receiving emergency calls about wildlife accidents. In many cases, this involves deer that have been hit by cars. Fortunately, people are rarely injured. However, the animals often flee injured or die on the spot.

Avoid deer accidents

In this context, the police would once again like to remind drivers to drive very carefully and at an appropriate speed, especially in the mornings and evenings. Especially in places where there is a "Wildlife crossing" traffic sign. Blue reflectors on the reflector posts at the side of the road are also a good indication of affected routes where game can appear from one moment to the next.

If game suddenly appears on the road, please act as follows:

  • Hold the steering wheel, slow down, turn off the lights if necessary and sound the horn.
  • Keep driving in the right direction and never swerve. An accident with oncoming traffic or a collision with a tree have far worse consequences than a collision with a deer.
  • If an accident has occurred: secure the accident site and yourself (warning triangle, hazard warning lights, high-visibility vest).
  • Clear the accident site and - if safely possible - remove the dead animal from the road.
  • Inform the police by calling the emergency services (there is a legal obligation to do so).
  • If the animal has run away, do not simply continue driving under any circumstances. Note the exact point of collision. The animal is guaranteed to be injured and in most cases will die in agony. A hunter called in by the police will set off in search of the animal.

Help prevent animal suffering and wildlife accidents through your behavior!

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110