Traffic statistics

From left to right: Police Director André Weiß, Police Councillor Jörg Siepert, District Administrator Dr. Martin Sommer and First Chief Crime Commissioner Heike Piepel
Traffic statistics
District Administrator Dr. Martin Sommer, Deputy Head of the Police Department André Weiß (Police Director) and Head of the Traffic Directorate Jörg Siepert (Police Senior Councillor) presented the traffic accident trends for 2023.

The most important facts in brief:

  • The number of road accidents with fatal and serious injuries has fallen significantly.
  • In 2023, the district of Steinfurt recorded no fatal road accidents involving cyclists, pedelec or e-scooter riders.
  • In 2023, the accident risk for over 75-year-olds was reduced by almost a quarter compared to the previous year.
  • However, the number of wildlife accidents remains at a high level. Every fourth traffic accident is a wildlife accident.

Here you can find the detailed statistics of the Directorate of Traffic for the year 2023.


The statistics for previous years can be viewed below:

Traffic accident development 2022

Traffic Accident Trends 2021

Traffic Accident Trends 2020

Traffic accident trends 2019

Traffic-accident-trends 2018

Traffic-accident-trends 2017


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110