Steinfurt district: District police authority now also provides information via WhatsApp

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Steinfurt district: District police authority now also provides information via WhatsApp
NEW: Simply search for our authority under Channels - or scan the enclosed QR code.
Steinfurt district
Police Steinfurt
Steinfurt police

The press office of the Steinfurt district police authority is expanding its communication services and will be informing all interested parties via its own WhatsApp channel in future. The name of the channel is "Polizei NRW Steinfurt".

The channel can now also be found via the WhatsApp channel search. Simply enter Polizei NRW Steinfurt in the search field and then subscribe to the channel.

The Steinfurt police now use this channel to disseminate information about police work on an almost daily basis. This includes appeals for witnesses, major operations such as accidents and fires, searches, current traffic reports, event information, prevention tips and much more. In other words, everything that has already been made available to the public on the district police website ( and via various social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, X). As many citizens own a smartphone and use the WhatsApp short messaging service, the district police authority can reach even more people via this channel. 

There are three ways to subscribe to the channel:

  1. Search for NRW Steinfurt police in the channel search and subscribe to the channel.
  2. Scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet, which can be found on the district police website, on postcards, posters and on social media (see also image):
  3. Or simply follow this link:
    Important to know: The channel provides up-to-date information from the Steinfurt police. The police never send private messages via WhatsApp. If someone who claims to be from the police writes to you in this way, assume that it is an attempt to defraud you. Watch your data and be careful! And remember: in an emergency, please always dial 110!


Translated with (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110