The organization of the Steinfurt district police authority

The Steinfurt district police authority photographed from the air with a drone
The organization of the Steinfurt district police authority
Here you can get an overview of the organizational structures of the Steinfurt District Police Department.

Dr. Martin Sommer is the District Administrator of the Steinfurt district and therefore head of the Steinfurt district police authority.

The Steinfurt district police authority is organized in a "Police" department. It has an overall manager in the form of the Head of Police Department, LPD Jörg Voigt. He is supported by the management staff . The press and public relations department is directly affiliated with the head of department.

Below this, the authority is divided into four directorates. The core police tasks are carried out in the directorates

- Danger Prevention/Employment,
- Crime and
- Traffic


For administrative tasks, technology, weapons and assembly, the

- Directorate Central Tasks


The Münster Police Headquarters is responsible for monitoring the freeways in the Steinfurt district, while the Water Police Directorate at Duisburg Police Headquarters is responsible for monitoring the waterways


Information on
Tasks and availability of the directorates in the Steinfurt district police authority.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110