Easy as pie across the road
Road safety advisors Frank and Frank, together with police dog Wuschel, show in a video training session how kindergarten children and first graders can cross the road safely.

Preventing accidents before they happen. That is the task of the eight road safety advisors from the Steinfurt district police. They include Frank Lösch and Frank Rogge. They have been visiting all daycare centers in the Steinfurt district for almost 10 years. They use the puppet stage to show children who are about to start school how to cross a road safely and correctly. In this way, they bring the topic closer to the children in a playful way.

Wuschel had a great idea

Always with them: their colleague, the police dog Wuschel. He is particularly sad that he is no longer allowed to go to daycare centers with Frank and Frank due to the current coronavirus pandemic. So he had a great idea: "Why don't we just make a video explaining to the children how to cross the road safely?" Frank and Frank loved the idea and immediately started filming videos with police dog Wuschel.

A total of six videos were made with Wuschel

In the first video, Wuschel introduces the campaign to the children. In the five other videos, crossing the road is then shown in different places in a child-friendly way. The aim is to teach children how to cross the road safely and correctly, even in times of coronavirus

Always watch videos together

Particularly important for parents: watch these videos together with your children. This way, you can answer any questions they may have or draw their attention to special road traffic features in their area.

And now we wish you lots of fun with police dog Wuschel and Frank and Frank.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110