Figures on the stakes

Operation statistics
Figures on the stakes
District Administrator Dr. Martin Sommer, the head of the police department Jörg Voigt (Chief Police Director) and the heads of the Hazard Prevention/Employment Directorate André Weiß and Guido Meinert presented the deployment statistics for 2023 at a press conference.
Martin Weide-Drees

The most important facts in brief:

  • Own-initiated deployments increased from around 13,500 to 19,400. Reasons for this included deployments to investigate ATM blasts and the surveillance of Jewish properties as a result of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  • The number of violent crimes against police officers increased by 2.6 percent compared to the previous year.
  • On the positive side, the number of injured colleagues fell by 27 percent. Possible reasons for this are the introduction of the obligation to wear bodycams and the possibility of using Tasers.

Here you can find more information about the Directorate for Emergency Response/Employment for the year 2023.

The statistics for the past year can be viewed below:

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2021

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110