Pickpockets often strike during the weekly shop

Police NRW
Pickpockets often strike during the weekly shop
To ensure that your wallet is not suddenly stolen, you should follow a few rules
Martina Feldhaus

Whether in the supermarket or when shopping in a store: pickpockets usually strike when a wallet is not safely stowed away. A quick diversionary maneuver - and the wallet is gone.

This is extremely annoying for the victims. After all, many people not only carry cash and bank cards in their wallets, but also their ID card, driving license and other IDs and cards. Recovering these documents alone costs several hundred euros.


Pickpockets are also always on the move in the Steinfurt district - and their scams are often successful. Sometimes the victim is involved in a conversation, sometimes they ask for directions, sometimes the victim's clothes are "accidentally" soiled. The perpetrators often work in pairs or threes. One distracts the victim, the other disappears into the crowd with the loot. There are also often situations in which the victims don't notice anything and suddenly discover the loss of their wallet at the checkout, for example.


If the perpetrators then have the opportunity to withdraw money from the nearest ATM because the PIN number has been noted on the bank card or a piece of paper, the loss can quickly amount to several thousand euros.


Here are some tips to protect against pickpocketing
  • Request that you keep your distance if strangers want to get too close to you

  • Only take as much cash with you as you need. Only carry the papers you really need.

  • Always carry money, payment cards and papers as well as your smartphone in various closed inside pockets of your clothing as close to your body as possible.

  • Carry handbags and shoulder bags closed on the front of your body.

  • Use a neck pouch, an inner belt pouch or a money belt.

  • Never place purses at the top of the shopping bag or basket

  • Never leave your handbag unattended, for example by placing it in the shopping cart or hanging it from it.

What you need to do if you are affected by pickpocketing
  • Initiate the immediate blocking of all cards. This is possible for all current cards and most credit cards via the 116 116 blocking emergency number.
  • Report a theft to the police. They can also arrange for the electronic direct debit procedure to be blocked by signature (SEPA direct debits).
  • Check your account transactions carefully and complain to your bank or savings bank about unauthorized debits.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110