Road safety

Citizens' advice
Road safety
Information on road safety work in the Steinfurt district police authority

Our eight road safety advisors (hereinafter referred to as VSB) accompany your children for almost the first two decades of their lives.

As early as kindergarten, two puppeteers take care of the smallest and weakest road users with a play specially designed for this age group.

In the fourth grade, the youth traffic school, cycling training with a final test ("bicycle driving license") and the "Steinfurt sees yellow" campaign take place.

Tenth graders of all school types are prepared for their upcoming participation as drivers in road traffic in a particularly emotional way in the so-called "Crash Course NRW".

But our most experienced and oldest road users are also made aware of the pitfalls of old age in a humorous yet direct way at the monthly Senior Citizens' Cinema.

Parent/senior citizens' afternoons and traffic projects at schools and prevention campaigns - especially during the vacation and travel season - round off the VSB's range of activities.

By the way:
If the masculine form is used in the following for the sake of simplicity, the feminine form is of course always included.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110